Thursday, April 10, 2008


NOW - april 18th - finalize design
19th - 25th - plans/sections
26th - 27th - collage/elevation - materials
28th - may 3rd - site model
4th - 12 - final building model and detailed models


im not using metaphor correctly when i speak - need to kep it going but make sure if i say cancer that it still is cancer in the next process

need to say what surgery means to me - I decide - jurers knew where i was coming from but i didnt say it

urban surgery-appears better in willow street model-

get inside building - have detailed shots

less time spent presenting research and more time on architecture

stopped using language when i talked about the artchitecture - wheres the blood cells and platlets - how the red blood cells flow through the building

dictionary- dumb it down or get rid of it

users - are not toally seperate - ukrainians and hipsters use electric factory -

how do the users jump into the architecture

Modules along path going inot building

more tenacles-more of an 'ideal'-too emorphous-keep with small interventions

more levels on willow street


higher level of detail in next models

more about connecting to building- maybe all this program isnt supposed to be in the building but it is about the connection it makes to the setting and surroundings that makes it work

vertical iconic building

im kind of not sure where to go from here - i got alot of things from the jury on tuesday. i think i got mixed up about where i was supposed to go. my thought was i should study the connection it has to the setting from the building and the program doesnt need to be high in program anymore that it can be just a few things. i woulkd liek get this clearified right away.