Sunday, November 11, 2007


5th street
arch - race
-Independence hall - people everywhere
W - national constitution center
E - dept of treasure
race - s.g.
blocked - where you get to NJ brigde - underground tunnel
6th street
arch - race
Independence hall
race - callow
W - large commercial
E - nothing
callow - s.g.
W - philly ball then union bldg. then transit
E - storage
s.g. - fairmount
W - Jewish church then apartments
E - Lease space
7th street
race - vine
W - govt bldg
E - Large Park
vine - callowhill
callow - s.g.
W - red cross
E - electric factory
s.g. - fairmount
8th street
arch - race
large parrking underpass
race - arch
W - constitution center
E - nothing
vine - callow
W - residential - nice quiet res by vine- why?
E - nothiing
callow - s.g.
W - steel workers then medical group (ambulances everywhere in park lot) then traffic court
E - red cross
s.g. - fairmount
W - communications group then liberty station
E - noithing - empty lots by tracks
9th street
arch - race
W - galery behind
E -
race - vine
chinatown - you can see bldg whole way
vine blocks 9th
vine - callow
traffic goes south at this point
callow - s.g.
traffic goes north now
W - electric bldg (my bldg)
E - car care next to brewery with res
s.g. - fairmount
gets blocked - behind it is residential and display center - then church - big gold dome
10th street
south of vine - chinatown and residential
vine - s.g.
W - parking lot market
s.g. - fairmount
W - residential
E - residential then large construction area
11th street
south of vine - chinatown and residential
vine - callow
E - residential
callow - hamilton
W - electrical units - electric company
s.g. - mt. vernon
W - african church
E - independence press
my vernon - fairmount
W - school
12th street
race - woods
W - large warehouse
E - large warehouse - grafitti
callow - s.g.
E - electrical units - electric company then large construction
s.g. - fairmount
W - educational bldg then residential
E - church then school

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